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Zita West

Supplementing quality digital marketing

Ecommerce Content PPC SEO Digital PR

Improve visibility of the Zita West brand through both organic and paid search.

Nick and the team at Assisted have been instrumental in the growth of our sales. Nothing is too much trouble and they are always on hand should we need any advice or assistance. The whole team have been
incredible and the results since they started with us speak for themselves!

Francesca Gambrell –  Zita West

Increase in Sessions
Increase in SEO Leads
Transactions increased across the site in Q1 of 2021 compared to the previous year
Growth in traffic from organic search in Q1 of 2021 compared year on year
Zita West

Supplements for Male and Female Fertility

Zita West has been a midwife now for nearly 40 years. Since focusing on fertility 25 years ago, she has also helped thousands get started on this incredible journey.

In 2001, Zita opened the Zita West Clinic with the specific mission to help support couples to get in the best possible shape for fertility and pregnancy and to find solutions for those who are having problems and with this created her own range of vitamin and mineral supplements for male and female fertility, pregnancy and the postnatal period.

Improved Visibility, Insights & Sales

Our combined web and search strategy has seen a sitewide performance increase, with traffic, transactions, and revenue all improving year on year.

An improved non-branded PPC campaign saw a stepped increase in performance. Combined with organic authority increasing for a number of key search terms, we have ourselves the perfect example of how to do e-commerce right.